Red Jade Youtube Channel

Subscribe to our Youtube channel to see our many videos including Series like "Chinese Martial Arts: Technique Poetry," excerpts from our online learning course, public lessons, and demonstrations.

Chinese Martial Arts Series: Technique Poetry

A Chinese Martial Arts video series dedicated to Studying the poetry and technique names surrounding martial arts movements to learn what they have to teach us about the movement and the principle of martial arts.

(Click here to go to the playlist)

Public Lessons

Our channel is full of public lesson videos teaching Chinese Martial Arts

(Click here to go to the channel)

Online Lesson Excerpts

There are many excerpts and teasers on our channel clipped from full lesson videos in our online course. If you were considering our online training course and wanted to take a peek at what's available, these excerpts will give an idea how I teach.

(Click here to go to the playlist)

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